Tuesday, 20 June 2023


Devahûti means offering to Devas, which is universal service. She is the progenitor of those forms of life which have a spiritual influence over the whole Trailokya.

"Kalâ" is part, a digit of the Moon.

"Anasuyâ" means absence of envy. From the proverbial chastity of Atri's wife the word also means the highest type of chastity and wifely devotion.

"Sraddhâ" means faith.

"Havirbhu" means born of sacrificial oblation.

"Gati" means course, path.

"Kriyâ" means performance (of Yajna) and action.

"Khyâti" means fame, praise and also proper discrimination.

"Arundhati" would perhaps mean one that does not stop or hinder. Probably the word means a wife who helps her husband in the performance of duties and does not stop or prevent him.

It is for this reason that the Star Arundhati is pointed out to the bride at the nuptial ceremony.

"Sânti" is peace, the well known invocation of the Vedas at the end of a Mantra.

"Kardama" means clay. He was born of Brahmâ's Chhâyâ or shadow.

Devahûti, being wedded to the materialised shadow of the whole Universe, gave rise to certain female types which in their turn on being wedded to the Rishis, the highest Planetary Intelligences, became the progenitors of all the life forms of the Universe. Kapila was one of the earliest Rishis. The word — Kapila means tawny or brown coloured. 


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